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Why drinking water in copper water bottles every day is beneficial for your health?

In earlier times, our ancestors and grandparents believed in following the practice of storing water in copper containers. According to Ayurveda, storing water in a copper vessel kills all the microorganisms, molds, fungi, algae and bacteria present in water that could be harmful to the body. It helps maintain our body’s pH (acid-alkaline) balance. Copper has the ability to balance all three doshas (Vata, kapha and pita) in your body by positively charging the water. There are also numerous health benefits for drinking water in copper water bottles.

The water stored in a copper vessel can be consumed after storing it in a copper vessel for at least eight hours. Here are seven useful reasons why drinking water in copper water bottles is beneficial for health:

. Kills Bacteria

Copper is known to be oligodynamic in nature (the sterilizing effect of metals on bacteria) and destroys bacteria effectively. It is known to help prevent common water- borne diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery and jaundice. Copper has been hyped as the cheapest solution to clean water in countries having poor sanitation systems.

So, if you feel your water may be contaminated, store it in a copper vessel and rest assured you will be drinking healthy and clean water.

. Improves your digestion system

In cases of indigestion, acidity, gas, etc copper helps to get your digestion system work better. Copper also aids in reducing inflammation within the stomach. It also helps to cleanse and detoxify your stomach, regulates smooth functioning of your liver and kidneys, absorbs nutrients better from food and properly eliminates bodily waste.

. Helps heal wounds faster

It’s no wonder that copper is known for its higher anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and heals wounds rapidly. Apart from that copper strengthens your immune system and aid the production of new cells. Copper also heals wounds effectively within the body especially the stomach.

. Slows down the ageing process

Copper is packed with high anti-oxidant and cell forming properties fights off free radicals and helps in producing new and healthy skin cells that replace old dying ones.

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